Source Code

I’ve been too busy recently to work on my own projects, and so as I have been unable to give them any support I have decided to open source them and upload the source tree’s to github.

I’ve played with Subversion and Team Foundation Server at home, but having the repositories locally doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence in case of hard disk failure (even though I have backups on my WHS box).

So now I have decided to experiment with Git, and to that end I have uploaded the source for my System Restore Explorer and EMV Card Browser projects on to github.

I can’t guarantee they are in a completely buildable state, but I have included the VS2010 solutions and WiX projects. If and when I do get some time I will certainly update the Git repositories and make sure they are in a buildable state.

So for anyone interested please take a look here:

Read Chip & PIN / EMV Card

Recently I’ve been working on a tool to allow you to read the contents of the chip on your Chip & PIN / EMV card and to decode some of the values. A lot of the information wont mean much without reading lots of long and complicated specs. But for anyone who’s interested and who has access to a PC/SC complient smart card reader on Windows here’s an example of the data that can be read.

EMV Card Browser

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Minor FireflyWHS update

Just a quick post to let you all know I have made a small update to the FireflyWHS setting plug-in to fix a problem reported over at the Firefly Media Server forums. In certain situations the plug-in would say that the Firefly service would need to be restarted, even though no changes had been made to it’s configuration, hopefully this is now fixed. Take a look at the bottom of my FireflyWHS page for the download link.

Hex Workshop x64 Shell Extension

My favorite Hex editor is the excellent Hex Workshop. However, having just made the switch to Vista x64, I found that 32 bit shell extensions (which are COM dll’s) can not be loaded by 64 bit processes such as explorer.exe. So I hade a quick look around and came across this article by Michael Dunn and from this I have created an x64 shell extension for Hex Workshop. Feel free to download it here, just copy it to your Hex Workshop folder and register it. It was built using Visual Studio 2008, so you may need the latest MS runtime’s.

C:Program Files (x86)BreakPoint SoftwareHex Workshop v5>regsvr32 hwext64.dll