Well we finally got our luggage back, and my camera survived ok, Here is the view from the top of the Stratosphere

Well we made it back from Las Vegas, i gambeled my BA ticket and won 3 AA (American) tickets instead, the journey home went something like LAS – > LAX -> JFK -> LHR, oh and the luggage is still somewhere between Los Angels and here, think i lost that bet

Well we had a big messenger discussion this morning on where to go skiing and how much it’s going to cost. It looks like there is going to be six of us going to La Tania, but this is still subject to Colin ‘my nose hurts’ Dangerfield doing his Man from DelMonte impression.

If you want to check the resort out then you can click here

Well, today i installed Firefox 1.0 (yep, thats me actually using something that isn’t BETA :)) and it seems to be working ok.

Sunday is my wifes 30th birthday, and to celerbrate were off to Las Vegas, if i’ve still got enough money to pay for a web site when we get back i’ll tell you all about it.