I know i haven’t posted much recently, we spent last weekend up in Nottingham visiting Caroline (my sister in-law) and i also tried to meet up with Tristan, but that never actually happened. Plans have started for this years Johnstock (sometimes known as Stanstock) hopefully there will be a good turn out, i’ve booked the time off work so i can spend a long weekend camping with the boys…..

I finally got to drive the wife’s new car a little on the way up to Nottingham (she didn’t fancy the M27 and M3), but she drove the rest of the way, which was really good experience for her. I’m going to try and update the blog at least once a week now, would like to do it more, but dont really have the time (or inclination).

Well we’ve been away for a week, a nice break in sunny Cyprus, and from all accounts we missed a lovely week of english weather!

Also, today my wife picked up her new car, which we’ve been out for a drive in this evening (but she hasn’t let me drive it yet)