
About 3 years ago I wrote a small utility to allow VirtualBox (then at version 3.1.4) to display a jump list of the configured VM’s. Since that time things have moved on and VirtualBox now has native support for this in it’s own UI.

Also Windows 8 has been launched with support for Client Hyper-V. I’m not such a big fan of Windows 8, but I really wanted to embrace the Client Hyper-V feature. It turns out that Microsoft doesn’t appear to of done much in the way of making Hyper-V a pleasant desktop experience. I’m sure they have worked very hard under the covers to make Hyper-V work on the desktop)

So here’s a piece of 3 year old code being re-purposed to support Hyper-V and Windows 8 (with the excellent Stardock Start8 installed)

If you’d like to make use of my small little app, then please feel free to download it from here, just extract the binary to your hard drive somewhere, create a shortcut to HyperVLaunch.exe and drag it into your start menu. The first time you run HyperVLaunch it will query all of your Hyper-V VM’s on the local machine and create a custom jump list for them, you should then be able to start your selected VM directly, without the need to launch the Hyper-V Manager UI each time.

This tool requires the Microsoft .net Framework 4.0, which should already exist on Windows 8 🙂


  • 0.0.1-Initial release

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