I’m still here

Sorry about the recent downtime, my host appears to have had some major problems, and when they finally did bring the server back online it had a new IP address, so I had to update my name servers, blah blah blah.

And to make matters worst for me, this all happened last week whilst I was away at Microsoft’s UK Techdays event in London. Anyway, my host’s server problem now seem to be stabilising, so hopefully no more downtime (but don’t hold your breath)

Happy New Year

I know I have been quiet lately, but I think my blog posting hasn’t been too bad in 2009. So my aim this year, is to be just as good (hopefully better, but you don’t want to set your goals too high!)

Hope everyone who reads this (and who knows me) has a great 2010!

Holiday Time

Well first of all I better apologise for the lack of updates recently, the first reason is my laziness, and the second is the fact I have been away on holiday (vacation). Anyway, I will try and get back into the swing of things over the following few months, and then before we know it, it will be Christmas 😉

In the meantime here are a few holiday photo’s (from the North East of England) for those who are interested.

Site upgrade

I have just upgraded to WordPress 2.8. I tried the ‘Upgrade Automatically’ button, but guess what, it failed 🙁

Downloading update from http://wordpress.org/wordpress-2.8.zip
Unpacking the core update
Could not copy file: /wordpress/wp-content/upgrade/core/wordpress/wp-comments-post.php
Installation Failed

So I had to do it manually… At least everything appears to be working now, if you notice any problems, then please let me know.


Apparently my site has been suffering with some downtime lately, this has now been tracked down to a problem on one of my hosts servers, they have now moved my site to a new server and DNS should finalise by 3rd June.